Wednesday, July 11, 2007


There are 250 million young people in India between the age of 18 and 35. Never before has India been a country of so many choices. Whether it is vocation or education, leisure or lifestyle, today's young Indians can go anywhere and become anything.

This growing and very visible demographic profile also contributes to the buoyancy of the economy and the general sense of feel-good we find around us. But India is not a homogenous whole and a decade ago, there were many Indians to contend with- urban,rural, small town, big city, metropolis and boondocks. But thanks to the expansion of mass media, those differences have got blurred. Not in real terms like opportunities or infrastructure but certainly in ideas and aspirations. Every young Indian, whether in Jamshedpur or Jammu, with access to TV and the Internet, believes he or she is an equal stakeholder in the prosperity that the country seems to promise today. when they travel to big cities to fulfill their dreams, they travel with more confidence and less trepidation.